Michael was up and out early on Sunday (8/4) for golfing with Phil, and I just could not get myself going :~(. I had a horrible night’s sleep, with no explanation as to why (no booze, no chocolate, not too much to eat….I dunno) and so just felt lethargic and poopy for most of the morning. Diane called and we had a good talk...I felt better after that and so I got going on another customer quilt:

I set up the program and started quilting:

I LOVE this heart program!!
I had a lovely and long talk with Nancy in the afternoon, and then got an unexpected call from one of my knitting students. She was the recipient of tons of yarn and asked if I wanted it:

I quickly contacted my Prayer Shawl ministry connection to ask where it should go, since I normally just drop a small bag off on her porch when I get it. She is away, so she got her neighbor to come down and open up her house and we hauled it all in. The neighbor kept questioning me as to where I’m getting this yarn and I just told her that people know I’m a knitter and are always offering me stuff….I always say yes…but let them know that I will not be keeping it….I will be passing it along to a charitable cause.
Anyway, by the time we got done with this and that, it was 9 PM and we settled in to watch a 2 hour Hercule Poirot before heading to bed.
My friend Iris has been telling me about this breakfast sandwich/donut place that is at the EXXON station across from the QT, a little over a mile from our house (the EXXON on the school road). She said the donuts are as good as SWEET DOUGH in Fort Mill. I found that hard to believe, but Monday morning (8/5) my honey took me there for breakfast:

We got 2 breakfast sandwiches and 4 donuts:

The breakfast sandwiches were EXCELLENT and so full of stuff that I believe Michael and I could have split one…..We ate around 9 AM...and by 4 PM I still wasn't hungry!!! I’ll let you know about the donuts…..we’re both so full from the sandwiches that it will be quite awhile before we try them :~).
I spent time in the studio after that….quilting on my customer quilt…and cutting more quilts for the wheelchair ministry:

Michael came down in the afternoon to talk about when he will be going on his golfing holiday…sometime in August. We ended up getting pizza for dinner and I knit for quite awhile on the never-ending shrug while watching TV.
Tuesday (8/6) was a gloomy day…with Debby (the hurricane) starting to make her presence known :~). Michael got in a quick 1-1/2 mile walk with Freya before the rain moved in at 9 AM. He left around 10 AM for a haircut while I was trying to set up my embroidery machine to stitch out a label on a quilt:

I got that done and put the finishing touches on my project box….I’m hoping to make a quick trip to Janice’s at the end of August/beginning of September partially to drop off my project box and my machine. Since she drives alone to Fiber Floozies (and we have 3 in my car), she has much more room and I’m hoping to create a bit more space in my car. I got my customer quilt off of the frame and all trimmed:

My honey headed out for his monthly Mustang dinner meeting, and Pam came over for a ‘’sip & chat’’:

We spent 4 hours with me knitting and her making a swatch for new kitchen towels she will be weaving…solving all of the problems of the world with furry friends:

PS - By the Way - the donuts were EXCELLENT!!!!!
*** My body isn’t a temple….it’s a haunted house….it needs a lot of work…..it makes mysterious creaking sounds when I get up and contains the spirit of a creepy old lady that’s always mad about something! ***
*** I swear.....the me who buys groceries....and the me that actually has to cook the meals....are 2 totally different people! ***
I would have loved to have heard more more about Pam’s swatch and how she weaves kitchen towels. The yarn donation was really impressive and I always wonder why I didn’t think to pick up the things my recipe called for, 🤷♀️back to the store I go, or just substitute…..this morning ran out of olive oil, making a wheat bread, I use avocado oil instead, I’ll let you know how it turns out. Also, our held mail from our trip came yesterday and your lovely thank you note was in it….so sweet
Wait a minute…..who buys groceries?
That's quite the yarn haul !! Love the stare down photo of Freya and her furry friend.
Looks like a fun time with Pam. And the donuts look yummy...