We had a leisurely breakfast on Sunday (12/10); Janice said the waffles were so light and fluffy that she even had an exra quarter!:

after which Janice & Dennis packed up (how long were they here for???):

and headed out in the rain:

Michael left a couple of hours later for one of his one performance murder mystery dinners, and I got the first of 2 new customer quilts loaded up:

I was upstairs watching TV and knitting when Michael called to say they DIDN”T feed them :~(…so I threw together some crab dip in crescent rolls and that was our dinner.
And BG's back from her quick trip to Philly, and got all caught up on her advent calendar:

-this is really #11 :~)

Michael's Christmas cactii have a few flowers on them (pictures in a day or two), but nothing like Paula's gorgeous, exploding blossoms:

He said it's becasue we have never repotted them into something bigger....maybe that's a thought for next year....
*** Let’s all take a moment to recognize the true heroes of the season….elastic waistbands. ***
Can't wait to see what BG does with all those fat quarters. My Xmas cactus(Thanksgiving is when mine bloomed) were full of blooms but all gone now. Got pics will show you Thursday.
Take a picture of my blooms and blow them up!
Your customer's Christmas quilt and the cacti are really beautiful! The waffles looked pretty good too!
looks like you had a fun visit