Current COVID related deaths: 624,221
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 623,838
Michael and Cookie headed out for a walk first thing Thursday morning (7/15), and I headed to the studio to get my blog out. I’m really looking forward to the next 4 days….it is the British open (golf), so Michael will be wanting to watch that each day…and I have nothing else scheduled…..a perfect time to hit my piecing/quilting HARD! I hit the garage freezer first to pull out a previously made chicken pot pie casserole for dinner…..SCORE!!
First up was finally finishing ironing my Bento Blocks, so that Michael could put them up on the wall when he got home (the orange dots on the left are my numbering of rows....I can take them off now that it's all together):

I’m going to add a white border, and then finish it with one of the fabrics within the quilt….whichever one I have the most of. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself about that….until my brain woke up and told me that I can’t cut fabric yet with my shoulder :~(. Luckily, Paula came down in the later afternoon for a visit and told me she would swing by over the weekend to cut whatever I need.
Michael had breakfast, took a shower, and headed out for our last free bagel before continuing on to BJ’s to pick up his glasses. Next on my agenda was getting my customer quilt all cleaned up (ends woven in and basting ripped out) and off of the frame:

I was thinking of going to quilting today to ask June to trim this quilt for me, but as she is not there, being on vacation in North Myrtle Beach, I guess I’ll wait and go back on the 29th, which is the next time they are meeting. I don’t think I will be able to carry in all of my stuff by then, but I have hand work I can take.
I started reading a new library book after that….and you know what that means… more productivity. Michael came in to read for a bit as well, and I finally got a video of our sweet, sweet Ethel.
Sometimes when we're watching TV, she will come and lie on Michael, and then roll over on her back and carress his is just the sweetest thing:
Somehow we didn’t end up eating dinner until 8 PM, and I was asleep in front of the TV by 10:30.
*** I need everyone to wish me luck! I have a meeting at the bank later today and if all goes well, I will be OUT OF DEBT!!! I'm so excited I can barely put on my ski mask. ***