A friend sent me this video.....it is WELL WORTH a watch all the way to the end....Canada fights back :~): https://youtu.be/pSuKqfXXR_E
And thank you Joe Biden, for showing what a class act you are til the end....unlike Dementia Don (you’ll get this reference at the end of the video), who 4 years ago slunk out with his immigrant wife....ahead of any arrivals, let alone the innauguration...totally class-less....a big sore loser to the end.
Oh by the way….the last time I said something about Dementia Don , one of my readers complained. Now, they couldn’t refute what I said (you know, because he really is an idiot talking about annexing Greenland and Canada being the 51st state and changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico), but they just had to weigh in that they didn’t like it. So…was their solution…to not read it? To unsubscribe? Start their own blog? Of course not….their solution was that since my blog title does not contain the word ‘’political’’, that I should confine myself to talking about only food or fiber topics….yet another example of censorship. You don’t like something, so NO ONE ELSE should be able to do it/read it/say it! You know…..I don’t like a book in the library, so should I just not take it out? NO! I should burn it so that no one else can read it because my way is the way everyone should be….sound like any political party you know? And what was that Levar Burton said? ‘’There has never been a time when the people who’ve banned books were the good guys.’’ Anyway, just in case you don’t know….there’s an unsubscribe button on the blog….and if you’re getting the blog in an email from me, you have only to tell me to take you off the distribution list, and I will be happy to comply…no questions asked.
Saturday morning (1/18) I loaded up Paula’s friend’s quilt:

and proceeded to get started quilting. I was very nervous about this quilt, as it has a minke back….and there were lots of ‘’creases’’ in the back. I loosened up my quilt sandwich and had to manipulate the sandwich through all of the stitch out, but other than that everything seemed to work ok, and I was done with the quilting in the late afternoon:

Michael helped me to pack up my 2 Beds=Dreams quilts as I want to trim them at quilting next week and start attaching the binding. When the tshirt customer was here she had hoped to see my machine at work, so I took a video....and you haven't seen it in awhile so I thought I'd share with you as well:
And then I spent quite a bit of time getting a blog entry out before having a quick salad for dinner and leaving for our latest theatre treat:
A songfest of Olivia Newton-John and GREASE! And Michael got his wish at the end of the evening (a picture with the gorgeous and talented Olivia look-alike!):

We were up early Sunday (1/19) and I got bread made before Cindy arrived to spend time comparing our longarm experiences….she was here for several hours (and even indulged in 1 slice of bread):

and I think we each learned from the other and had a wonderful time talking about longarmming and quilting in general.
When she left I continued to quilt on Sandy’s quilt (I got it loaded while Cindy was here, as we both wanted to know the differences in how we do things):

and by dinnertime I was only halfway done.
Michael spent the afternoon at Fort Mill Theatre…..he stopped in to auditions just to drop off a prop….a book with the jacket he had made about 17 years ago when he and I were both in LET”S MURDER MARSHA, and they ended up asking him to read for several parts :~).
And after our Saturday night spent listening to songs from Olivia Newton-John and GREASE….we decided to watch GREASE – the movie, in the evening…..it was great, as always :~).
I quilted in the morning on Monday (1/20) before leaving for a Machine Embroidery meeting in the afternoon. The best thing about the meeting was that Pat was there….only 2 WEEKS OUT from knee replacement surgery….she truly is Wonder Woman….I was still ‘’crying in my cups’’ at that point! The other nice thing was that I got to see Andi (her daughter)…visiting to help her mom out for a bit.
Our challenge for January was embroidering on fleece, and I'm finally glad I got to participate with that bee embroidered on a baby blanket for Rosalie to give away. The challenge for February is embroidering on cards....and you all know I do that, but I never get to show them at the club because I usually do those initial cards when I hear someone is very ill, and then I get them in the mail right away. But this time Joyce (our leader) gave out flash drives with some samples, so I am definitely looking forward to having something to show in February as well!!!:

and we had lots of other great show and tell as well:

I texted Iris when I got home, and she came over, prepared to put together oatmeal jam bars:

and to look through some of my cookbooks:

I even got some chocolate chip cookies baked for Michael after she left to go home and make dinner:

Michael got a free package of those Hawaiian Rolls awhile ago, so I made those ham/cheese/poppyseed rolls for dinner.
And 10 years ago....
*** I finally got to see my doctor on Monday and I showed him the rash on my bottom…but he just ignored me and kept pushing his cart through Costco. ***
*** Been feeling a little moody and rundown lately. So, I looked up my symptoms…..it’s adulthood…I have adulthood. ***
Yeah how were those done? Inquiring minds want to know!
I want to know about the squirrel, and dog too. I also agree with your "rant". The next 4 years are not going to be pretty.
So the squirrel, dog and lamb show and tells look like defleecing instead of embroidery? What is it and how is it done