Michael left for a bunch of errands (CVS, ALDI’s, BEST BUY, liquor store (to order our champagne!!), and the library) Tuesday morning (11/15), while I settled in the kitchen to continue to sew on my binding. At one point I paused and listened to the dishwasher softly running, and I sipped my tea and listened to the rest of the silence around me and knew that Cookie was sleeping on the next chair under the table:

and it really struck me just how blessed I am. I was safe and warm, in a beautiful house, with a full refrigerator, working on something I really enjoy. I felt so totally grateful for my life. I hope everyone reading this takes just a moment to reflect on their lives and how blessed we really are.
I finished sewing the binding onto the back of my quilt and got it ironed out before starting on the front:

I didn’t get finished by the time June:

arrived to head off to our Fiber Nutz meeting.
We were at Pam’s house:

and Rosalie:

was teaching a class on the Chinese ornaments. Connie was there to do one as well:

The class went well...they look so cool:

I think they are just beautiful, but I have no intention of learning how to do them as I do NOT need another hobby! June is excited to try to do a slightly larger one with ribbon.
We were home by 4 PM and I visited downstairs with my honey for just a bit, before heading back to my binding. Michael left at 6 PM for WAKANDA at the movies, and I spent the evening continuing to re-claim backing fabric:

*** Don’t wear headphones while vacuuming. I’ve just finished the whole house before realizing the vacuum wasn’t plugged in. ***
We are blessed beyond words !!!!!
Thanks for posting the photos of the ornaments. LOVE them !