At my age I can’t buy 2 boxes of Sudafed because they are afraid I may be cooking meth.
However, an 18 year old can go in and buy two AR15’s and 365 rounds of ammunition and no one bats an eye.
I hopped up at 6 AM Wednesday morning (6/1) to make breakfast for my honey before he left for thefirst day of the member-member tournament. I had a bad headache, and I wondered if it was related to the booster shot (my arm is also sore where I got the shot)…so I headed back to bed and managed to fall asleep for an hour or so…I felt much better when I got up the second time. I was moving kinda slowly, but eventually I got all of the animals…and me….fed, and went to the studio to get my blog out. That took a bit of time, but I was finally ready to fire up XENA and get to quilting:


I spent a lot of time with this quilt…Darlene’s tops are always very flat…but I was still worried about creases on the back, so I had to keep a close watch on the quilting. I was still working on it when my honey came home around 2:30 PM…totally whipped from the heat. He took a nap, and I continued to quilt and got about half way done with it by dinner.
I finally had my steak leftovers from Sunday night, and Michael finished up the chicken sausage stir fry. I got to sew after dinner…the last color for the squiggle quilt:

I didn't finish it, but I made good progress. I watched the CNN movie JULIA (about Julia Child). She was terrific…there’s nothing else to say! One of the most interesting things is how she broke with her ultra-conservative Republican father as she got more exposure to the world and new ideas. I remember watching her as a child, and typing out recipe cards for some of the things she made.
I made my way upstairs around 8 PM and just snuggled with my honey until bed.
And it's the end of an era for my sewing apron:

I've needed/wanted to make a new one for a long time, but I unexpectedly have transitioned to this:

It's actually been a little while now and I think things are working just fine!
*** I just had a fight with my alarm clock. It wanted me to get up…I disagreed….things got violent….now it’s broken and I’m wide awake. Not sure which of us won. ***
Silly me, should have just scrolled down to look at the first Blue quilt 😂
I had to go through all your last posts and finally take pictures of all the different colors in the squiggle quilt to get the feel of it, should look Beautiful