Monday (10/30) started with an early morning routine appointment with Michael’s heart doctor. When we got home, Michael and Freya went for a walk, then Michael did his lines, and I headed downstairs to discover that I never sent out a blog entry yesterday :~(. So, I got 2 blog entries out before heading back to ‘’the towels’’! The last towel I tried to embroider on Saturday got a horrendous ‘’bird’s nest’’ under the last 3 letters:

so I had to try to take care of that first. I got that repaired and got one more towel done before Michael and I decided to spent some quality time together on the lanair:

We had a quick dinner, then we both left….him to rehearsal and me to my knitting class, where the library mascot is dressed for Halloween:

My students are doing SO WELL and I am SO VERY PROUD of them!!!! One is already working on a baby blanket project and another is giving me one last sample before we start on a scarf for her hubby. I was very happy when I got home, but just sat like a lump until Michael got home…again at 11 PM.
Arizona Mary was on a retreat (with the Arizona Quilters) last Thursday through Sunday and had a wonderful time:

*** I've started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It's all about raisin awareness. ***
I'm with you Janice. That Retreat venue is beautiful. And large I counted 16 quilters.
Wowie wow wow...why can't we convince some investor to build a retreat center like that on the east coast, like somewhere in Maryland...
Nice venue for a sewing retreat !
Freya is getting soooo big...
Of course the knitting students are doing well - They have a FABULOUS teacher !