Thursday (8/1) was all about quilting. Now... my honey packs the car for me for quilting 99-1/2% of the time….and when I finally went out to the car this morning to leave for quilting, this is what I saw:

-yes, he found a bloom on our rose bush and put it in the car, wrapped up in foil, for me

Is he not the most romantic man!?!?!??!
And check out this pic...the embroidered shirt was a gift from friend Pat:

I finished off the last of my 192 HST’s to start a new project at the Fiber Floozie retreat…they will all go in my project box until then….I think I now have more than enough projects to get me through 6 days in September :~).
We had wonderful show and tell:
-this is Margaret, dramatically showing how she is starting a new quilt by painting on background fabric

-gorgeous x-stitch

-each of the strips in Susie's log cabin is only one quarter of an inch wide!!!!

and FABULOUS food:

-these were my BBQ pork sliders...which I almost forgot at home!!!

I got home after 2 PM and read for a bit before our mail got delivered…when Michael saw the box….he said it must be a ‘’major award’’ because the box was marked:

FRA-GEE-LAY……how many of you got that reference? Gale – the box contained 6 of my Shadow Iris plates for 5 bucks a piece…I thought that was a pretty good price, since when I originally started looking….they were FORTY BUCKS A PIECE!!!
One of my plates got broken the other day…and Michael and I thought we could use a few more small plates anyway, so I started looking. I knew the pattern was discontinued, but I found it in several places. I was very happy with what we finally got :~).
I headed to the studio after that and got a customer quilt trimmed:

and finished off another quilt top for Pam S’s wheelchair ministry coming up in the fall:

At this point….I have not a clue what we did on Friday :~).
Saturday (8/3) we had another edition of IN THE KITCHEN WITH MICHAEL & DEB!! Michael loves éclairs… making choux pastry was on the docket for Saturday. Once again…it was kinda Deb directing and Michael making:

-waiting for it to cool a bit before the eggs are added. I decided since it is so humid that we should just add 3 eggs instead of the 4 it called for...and I think the texture turned out you will see from the piping

-making pastry cream

-filling the cream puffs!

And of course we had to try a couple (or more!!) before getting cleaned up and boxing up 4 cream puffs (as a hostess gift) and heading off to Diane & Mark’s, and meeting up with Chris & Shelly.
-Mark & Chris

-Chris & Shelly

Diane & Mark made a FABULOUS dinner of pasta with bolognaise sauce:

garlic bread and a Ceasar salad.
We played CRANIUM for a bit:

before stopping for a Scottish dessert of raspberries, oats and whiskey flavored whipped cream:

And then we played a really fun round of an easy and new-to-us dice game. The 3 guys Michael-Chris-Mark were in contention for winning….when Diane pulled a once-in-a-lifetime, STUNNING upset with a come from WAY behind victory!!!!!! What a wonderful high note upon which to end the evening :~).
*** Sadly, I do my best proof reading right after I hit sned. ***
*** Remember to drink lots of water and stay indoors between 11 AM and November 1st. ***
Really love your T-shirt! Of course, I am in love with the fabulous cross-stitch! The fabric painting is very intriguing. I absolutely love the miniature quilt! All of your food at quilting looks so yummy! You and Michael could have a reality cooking show on the Food Network! I would definitely watch it! Love the rose, Michael!
Love your shirt from Pat ! AMAZING cross stitch !
And all that food... Whats in the blue bowl ?
What size plates are you looking for ? I think I've seen
some of the ovenware with the iris at Goodwill. I don't think that's corelle though.
Sat mornings with Deb and M. Could be a weekly show 😍
Thanks for all the photos !! OH... and I almost forgot to mention the rose !
Very sweet and thoughtful.
Lookin good in that tee shirt
You guys have enough food at quilting for two armies!