My honey was up early Monday (6/6) to get breakfast out of the way before being picked up at 8:30 AM for his 4 day golfing vacation in Hendersonville. I made a quick list of things I hope to accomplish while he’s gone….with the first one being finishing the customer quilt that has lain dormant for 4 days!!! By late afternoon, the quilting was done:

I took a break from that and finished Squiggle color #6:

I think I will wait until Michael gets home and ask him to lay this one out.
I started to do clean-up on the customer quilt, while watching the Indian Doctor on PBS. I am really liking the show, however it is hard to see FATHER BROWN as an evil person!!!! He’s in the cast of the first season, and he is just an AWFUL person!!!
When the quilt was cleaned up and trimmed, I got out my Thursday pizza box. I finished all 36 blocks for the Thursday project last week, and decided to start laying them out in the evening….

I LOVE it! OK....which layout do you like below? Please vote....can you see a difference?

*** We’re all brave in our own way. For example, I am not afraid of raw cookie dough. ***
I like layout 1
I am not a quilter, but I like the way the second one flows. Just my opinion.
I'm going to be no help as I like both of them. There is just a subtle difference.
I think I like number 2.... I LOVE the pattern too !!