Current COVID related deaths: 627,351
COVID deaths yesterday: 626,762
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but polio and small pox never reached natural herd immunity. They were eradicated by vaccines.
I headed out early for PT on Tuesday (7/27). My PT therapist seems concerned that I am not healing correctly, as I have pain when she is passively moving my arm…and she wants me to talk to the doctor about it at my Friday appointment. She certainly put me through my paces while I was there and my arm was aching on the way home.
I was home by 11 AM and my honey made me a smurfy breakfast:

so that I could work on my blog. After that I got the first border of white put on my Bento Blocks, while watching a little bunny out on the patio:

And continuing to watch the stupid squirrels, who think they can get at our bird seed:

Then it was back upstairs to set up the machine I use for binding, but first I made some sugar free chocolate/cherry ice cream and got it in the freezer.
Ethel was disinclined to be moved from her ‘throne’:

and it took me many, many pieces of masking tape to get all of her hairs off of it before I could start the binding. As I suspected, putting the binding on the second side really gave my shoulder a workout….so I will not be binding quilt after quilt after quilt as I had hoped…..but eventually I hope to be back to it.
It was crab truck night up at the Lodge….Michael got his sandwich early and headed out to the movies with Larry. Connie:


and I got our sandwiches and ate them together…and then proceeded to talk and talk and talk for THREE HOURS!!!! We were still sitting there talking when Michael came home from the movies :~).
The ladies left then and he decided to read his book while I watched the end of a TV program. I got the ends woven in and the label stitched down on my quilt:

Now, you may think this is the same quilt I showed you a day or so ago...but it is not. Look at the border on this is the same as the inside of the blocks. After I did this, I ran out of that fabric, so the quilt you saw a day or 2 ago:

has a leopard type print for the I have 2 more men's quilts finished!
*** The good news is…it wasn’t a bug!! The bad news is…I beat the crap out of a black bean on the floor with my shoe. ***