Tuesday (12/26) was a gloomy, overcast day…and I spent most of it on my computer….writing our yearly missive. Around 10:30 AM Michael asked if I was ready for breakfast…and brought me this:

He really is wonderful about feeding me…especially when I have a lot to get done. Reviewing the entire year to condense each month down to 1 – 2 sentences and writing that up took me to mid-afternoon….when I had a chance to get back to work on finishing up another quilt. I worked on binding on the second side of flower quilt #2:

and after that was done, started to put the binding on the first side of another quilt. Michael got picked up for the movies just after 6 PM, and I continued to sew on my binding and my label. I’ve gotta keep pushing a bit in order to get all of my quilted quilts bound before the end of the year. I finished up around 8 PM and headed upstairs to knit and veg and watch TV. I forgot to mention that the movie Christmas night was ‘’MUST LOVE DOGS’’, which was one of my Christmas presents :~). I got another label sewn down (and boy!!! My thumb lets me know that it does NOT like this hand sewing!!!), which resulted in another totally finished quilt:

Does it look like yesterdays? Absolutely! When I am doing an embroidered quilt, I generally do 2 or 3 of each of the embroideries as it save time….so I end up with identical quilts.
I was binge watching PROJECT RUNWAY while binding and hand stitching.
*** This year I decided to make realistic New Year’s Resolutions:
1 – eat too much
2 – drink too much
3 – don’t go to the gym
4 – buy shoes
5 – don’t try to sleep all night
6 – misplace things
7 – wear pjs oftern
8 – don’t lose weight ***
Your blue quilts are beautiful. Love your New Year resolutions.
In love with the blue embroidered quilt!!