The sun finally came back Sunday morning (1/12) which was lovely to see! I worked on my customer quilt and by lunchtime the quilting was done:

I dropped back to working on the binding for my Disappearing 9 patch quilt….which will be a class at Scrap Happy in March (before being donated as a dialysis quilt):

and by mid-afternoon, it too was 3rd TOTALLY FINISHED QUILT of 2025:

I spent over an hour after that getting the blue batik customer quilt off of the frame and tying in all of the bobbin ends before looking through my stash for some binding fabric.
I have 1 more quilt that I quilted last year, but did not get bound. Unfortunately, when I bought the charm squares to make this quilt, they were out of the yardage I also wanted to buy to bind it….so I had to go looking. And as it turns out….unsuccessfully :~(. So, I’m going to try to order half a yard of the correct color of Stonehenge off of the internet…wish me luck because you know what it’s like to try to match a color you’re seeing on your computer monitor….to the color you’re seeing in your studio!
With that out of the way, I sat down to rip apart the 2 rows I ripped off of my Beds=Dreams quilt, in order to sew them back together into a small kids quilt:

Michael spent Monday morning (1/13) waiting and waiting and waiting for a guy to show up to detail his car...although he did make me a smurfy breakfast while he was waiting:

Now that he has the racing stripes on it, he can't really go to a commercial car wash without the possibility that part of them would get ''brushed'' off! The guy was supposed to be here at 9 AM, but finally arrived around 10:45!!!

He was here until 2 PM, and finished up with a ceramic waxing of the car....Michael said it looks like he just drove it off of the showroom floor....he loves it!!!

I don’t have any more customer quilts at the moment, so I dragged out 2 Beds=Dreams tops, and figured out how much backing I needed, and got that loaded on XENA. This took quite awhile as any of you who have been here and seen me loading 108’’ wide fabric can imagine.
I had almost 6 yards of badly wrinkled backing (the end of the bolt), so there was a ton of water misting and pulling taut while I was rolling to try to eliminate the wrinkles. It’s a lot of work….but still better than trying to iron it as I used to do :~). Once that was done, I got the front basted:

and started to quilt:

I used a new pattern, which didn’t have any cross stitching, so I hoped to get it all done in one day. Without any definitive crossing of the stitching on a pattern, it is hard to start up the next day and tell the computer exactly where the pattern should start.
As Michael left to pick up a salad from ZAXBY’s, I wound the last bobbin and finished up the last row:

I also got the small kid’s quilt all sewn back together:

labeled and into the ‘’tops’’ closet!
Michael left early Tuesday morning (1/14) to take my car in for servicing. I headed to the studio to get my second quilt loaded up:
-I only leave about an inch between my first and second quilt

I am thrilled to be getting some of my own quilting done. I was very disappointed in how few quilts I finished last year to be donated….and one of my goals for 2025 is to do more….we’ll see how I do :~). I’m definitely off to a good start with the 4 quilts I got quilted at the end of last year….but didn’t get bound.
Anyway, I got the quilting started on the second quilt:

and decided I really needed to clean up my cutting/sewing tables. They were a real mess, full of lots of little things…that took a couple of hours to get it all put away.
OH….and when I started to quilt on the second quilt….I became EXTREMELY irritated with myself…..I had not embroidered a label on the front of either one of these quilts! Which means I’m gonna have to stitch down labels on the back of both quilts….which means that my hands are not gonna to be happy with me :~(. When I was working on the blue batik customer quilt….I told myself I should be embroidering these 2 with labels….the problem is….I was always thinking of it when I was in bed….going over the million and one things my brain thinks about before I fall asleep! Anyway, I quit quilting around 5 PM, as Michael went out to one of the food trucks to pick up dinner. We ate together, then he got picked up to go to the movies, and I took a quick shower before Iris came over to visit. We had a lovely time talking for a couple of hours, and she left shortly before Michael got home for the evening.
We watched 2 NETFLIX shows recently that are definitely worth a look…the first is: MAN ON THE INSIDE with Ted Danson. Definitely geared to an over 55 audience with a PG rating… was excellent.
We also just finished an 8 episode thing called NO GOOD DEED, with Ray Romano and Phoebe (from Friends). This one was CRAZY!!! Lots of swearing….but a story that we couldn’t stop watching….like a train wreck you know is coming, but just can’t look away. We finally finished the last episode last night and I can’t believe that they tied up all of the loose ends….it was a WILD ride!
And 10 years ago.... (Diane Kent, if you don't normally read the 10 years ago...please read the bottom one!)
*** Life is while you still have teeth! ***
*** No matter what's going on in your life, there's some form of potato that can make it better. ***
*** Being 20 in the 70's was much more fun than being 70 in the 20's. ***
Looking forward to a ride in that gorgeous mustang next time I visit !
Lovely 9 patch !
The mustang looks awesome!!!!
Inside man is on my list of things to watch!
Come on people write some comments out there!