My honey made me breakfast again on Friday (11/18)…I am LOVING those rolls from ALDI….I can eat my breakfast with one hand, and hold open my book with the other :~). While we were eating, my honey caught Ethel, staring out at the lanair at goodness knows what:

After breakfast I started on the binding for my second quilt:

I worked on it all morning and by 1 PM, I had another totally finished quilt (2 down and 4 to go):

Which was really exciting because I saw a new pattern for an FPF on PINTEREST in the morning…and I am HOT to do it….PLUS, last night I found a bunch of 4 patches I didn’t know I had…so I’m using them. I headed downstairs after 1 PM to start cutting :~). A lot of times, it is easier for me to figure out a new pattern with a limited number of colors, so I’m doing another QoV to test it out. I got my first color cut, then realized that I hadn’t interpreted the pattern correctly. I worked on tweaking the pattern til 3:30 PM when I headed upstairs to make a new soup. Last year Bryce’s daughter made him a potato soup that just tasted yummy. She graciously shared the recipe and I made it up. I wish I had started a bit earlier, because I ended up gulping down just a tablespoon or 2 before running out the door to pick up Anne and head to Fort Mill Community Playhouse. Luckily, I’ll get to have it Saturday night for dinner (and several more nights as well, even with sharing some with Joe and Bryce, my widowed neighbors).
The play was the 25th ANNUAL PUTNAM SPELLING BEE and it was hysterical!! They added an additional matinee for today (Saturday) because they had so many sold out shows. We sat beside the parents of one of the performers, and heard her story of being cast, after interviewing in her car on the way to driving here from some mid-west state! It was a wonderful cast:

and there was even an unexpected performance by this special audience member:

We were home before 10:30 and read for an hour or so before bed.
And June tried her Chinese ornaments with ribbon.....SCORE:

*** There’s a runner inside all of us….screaming to get out. But we can usually shut her up with a biscuit. ***
What was Michael's part in the play???!!! Did you know about it??!!
And I love, love, love June's version of the Christmas ornament.