Michael was up and out early for golf on Saturday (6/10) and I made myself a nice egg/cheese/toast for breakfast with a side of mixed berries before heading to the studio.
I’m really glad I put the skinny white border on the walk about quilt:

I think it will look nicely framed when I add the batik as binding. Next up was tackling the end of the second fleece quilt….I’ve really been avoiding it, but finally it was done…YAY!!!

I got the chandelier off of the frame and all cleaned up, then I tried to cut strips for a border on my sunburst quilt…and could NOT find any tone-on-tone white?!!??! How did I let myself run out of that??? I decided I was too tired to really look and find it, so I headed upstairs for dinner.
We binge watched 2 episodes of WILL TRENT before bed.
*** I like to play this game called ‘’nap roulette’’…I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 minutes…or 4 hours? Nobody know…it’s risky and I like it. ***
I also play TV nap roulette. It is always the big question, "Will she stay awake to see any of the program, a few minutes of the program, or all of the program?" I really hate when I fall asleep during a program I wanted to see. Love the walk about quilt!
I play tv nap roulette, will I stay awake during an afternoon show, or won’t I?
Why we’re you avoiding finishing the fleece chandelier quilt?