I SKYPE-d with Janice Wednesday morning (6/19) after Michael left for golf…then I headed across the street for a massage…heaven! Usually I’m going somewhere afterwards, so I don’t want her to do my head and get oil all over my hair…this time I had nothing planned…and her scalp massage felt SO GOOD!!!!
When I got home, it was back to quilting on the table cloth. I got a quick email from my college roomie….they talked about a Pittsburgh cookie table on the TODAY show, and she told me how to find the link: https://www.today.com/video/how-the-sweet-tradition-of-the-cookie-table-at-weddings-got-started-204192325757. Thanks to that I read about a group for wedding cookie tables….and I joined….WOO HOO…thanks so much Debbie!!!!
During the day, we had work done on our driveway...widening it so that it's not a mud pit when I park my car there during the rain:

I spent an hour at dinnertime sampling all of the food for a party I’m having….the baker made a bunch of notes before leaving; I just wanted a few tweaks on a few things…and by then it was time for a later dinner and TV.
We didn’t have quilting on Thursday (6/20), and Nancy asked if we could get together and sew instead, so that’s what we did:

She stayed until 1 PM, then it was back to quilting the tablecloth for me while my cleaners were here.
Michael came home around 3 PM after a 42 for 9 holes of golf….YAY….and I continued to quilt until around 6 PM. Hopefully one more pass (which will take at least an hour) and I will finally be finished with this first tablecloth!!!!!
And check out the sunflower….which is still exploding skyward:
-feed me Seymour....FEED ME!!!!!

*** I don’t know about y’all, but I really don’t think I have any more new passwords left in me. ***
*** If by ‘’camping’’ you mean my hotel room will face the woods…then yes, I’m up for a camping trip! ***
When are we moving to Pittsburgh???
Feed me Seymour is right! It’s huge…run, Michael, run!
OMG!! That is one HUGE sunflower! How big will it get?