I spent my Wednesday morning (12/28) on SKYPE…first with Janice and then with BG. I think we all talked about quilting for over 3 hours!!!! AND, BG finally got the surprise I sent her, which is a subscription to QUICK & EASY QUILTS....we both found several that we liked!!
By 1 PM I was ready to settle in and get some other things done. My honey had gone to the Lodge at 10 AM on Tuesday to pick up our new pay packets…we are changing our management company in January, so our account number will change, as will the address where we send our HOA payments, so I updated everything on-line and scheduled a payment for January. We were originally scheduled to pick up all of this stuff last week…but then Cookie got sick and that plan went out the window :~(. While I was on-line, I scheduled 5 other bills to be paid before firing up XENA to get started on the newest quilt.
Even though it was only 35 degrees, Michael left for golf around NOON…they had a 2 hour frost delay, but he was still hoping to get in 9 holes before dinner. He ended up playing 11 holes, because that put him close to home on the golf course. The temperature was up to 54 degrees with no wind, so he said it turned out to be very pleasant.
I spent the afternoon quilting with the new, free pattern I got and I love it!! The pattern was free because I suggested to the designer that she should add a leaf to one of her popular patterns. We emailed back and forth a bit and voila, she created it and sent me a copy to try it out! I love this pattern, and all of the variations she has because you can take a very plain quilt and turn it into something special with the swirly pattern. And, I was so very glad I found the exact color of thread that I had in mind...it perfectly matches the rust colored squares:

I continued quilting until around 8 PM and got about 60% done. I also started to layout my 4 patches:

and just the squares for the second quilt:

I will have 2 quilts made out of the exact same fabrics…but looking very different. So, even though I totally screwed up on cutting my fabric for the quilt I originally wanted....I'm going to make it work and I think they will look nice. I'll definitely use the new swirly leaf pattern on the 4 patches when that top is done.
Thanks to Janice & Dennis, I found a UCONN men's basketball game and taped it for Michael. He watched that in the evening while I read.
*** Try to remember....the greener grass across the fence might be due to a septic tank issue. ***
Eww, on point!! Also I hope the layout for the 4patch isn't set in stone. The last block needs to be moved as the swirly square is in the same place as the one next to it. I'm picky that way😉
Love the new quilting design!