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Writer's picturedreamsoaps

White Trash

Michael and I were both up at 7 AM on Friday (11/25); I guess we both had lots of stuff we wanted to accomplish. I sat in the kitchen and sewed for just a bit: and got the binding on one side of my blue squiggle quilt:

Then I headed downstairs to get it pressed, get my blog out, and get the second SHQ quilt off of XENA. Sandy D will be stopping by today to drop off a quilt and I want to be ready for her.

Once that was done, I headed back upstairs….cranked up my Christmas music and began the great candy making season!!! Michael was out running errands (as he seems to spend most of his life….at least in blog-land!) and I got started on White Trash….which is always what I start with. I think it’s the most labor intensive, maybe because I make so much of it (closely followed by the Caramel Popcorn and Cracker Toffee) and I made 10 runs of it:

I was just finishing up at 3 PM when Susan arrived. We sat out on the lanair and talked for 2 hours!!! It was wonderful.

After she left, I went back to the studio and got the back loaded up for a quick quilt of mine.

I had leftover pot pie for dinner and for date night, Michael rented MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU….we both laughed for 2 hours before bed.

*** If you can’t stand the mess…

-get out of the craft room

-and the living room

-and you might as well stay away from the kitchen table. ***

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Michael Devokaitis
Michael Devokaitis
Nov 26, 2022

My life is doing endless errands!

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