Michael left for golf at 8:30 AM on Wednesday morning (3/29) while I headed to the studio to get binding made for my customer quilt (she dropped off fabric on Monday afternoon). By the time I got my blog out and got through my emails, I only had time to iron and cut my strips before leaving for another chiro appointment. My lower back pain has been increasing exponentially over the last month or so, and I really need to get it under control before it totally sidelines me. The chiropractor went over my x-rays with me, and I was shocked at how much out of alignment I am….no wonder I am having back/leg issues. I’m going to have to commit to this treatment and then maintenance, which I’m sure will involve exercising. I am always amazed at how diligent and consistent Michael is about stretching every single morning to keep his back problems mostly under control….I am definitely going to have to take a page from his book. I got in my car and started home from the chiro, and suddenly noticed the weirdest thing....while I was in the chiro office...this happened:

Can you see that HUGE crack in the windsheild??? No, someone didn't drop a rock on it....you could feel the crack on the inside of the car...but NOT the outside!!!! Oh well, another thing to get fixed.
I was home by 12:30 and SKYPE-d with Janice until 2 PM. A quick lunch and a quick talk with my honey (home from golf and happy with his 87) and I was finally in the studio just before 3:30 PM, where I continued to work on cutting my fabric for pillow cases we are making at Scrap Happy:

until 4 PM…when I SKYPE-d with BG. You remember how she and Steven went to Alaska for their big vacation last year and she started a blog? Well, they are planning another big vacation for next year….so she might be posting again!
I really do have the BEST FRIENDS EVER!!! I have been searching for a quilt top for over a month! Remember the blue batiks I bought from Corinne and made 5 quilts out of? Two were just given away last week:

and that one with the squares on point is definitely my favorite. I made a similar one with rectangles (not on point)…and when Janice saw it, she decided to make a similar one in a different color. People would stop by the house and sometimes the topic of those blue quilts would come up, and I would show them the remaining 3....but I only had 2!!! I kept looking through my quilt tops in the closet:

and could NOT find the rectangle one. And I was 100% sure that I had not yet given it away. Finally in frustration, I wrote to Janice just to vent. I said something like: ‘’ you know my blue quilt that you made the same one only in red? with rectangles? I CANNOT find mine!!!!’’ Now this terrific friend went searching through my blog posts (not even sure what prompted her to do that) and wrote to tell me that I quilted it on January 5th…and that it was not one of the ones I brought to her house to bound, when I visited shortly after that. So I walked over to my to-be-bound pile (covered with a piece of muslin for obvious reasons):

and there it is!!!!!!!

I had TOTALLY forgotten that…and am so glad to know that it is almost finished!
Thursday (3/30) was all about quilting and pillow cases! It was charity day and everyone worked on making pillow cases for the Lancaster Children’s Home. I don’t have a final count as people always take a few home to finished them up, so stay tuned. Paula had asked me a couple of weeks ago to do a nametag for our newest member, and I finally got to give that to her:

We had very light show and tell:

and when I came home after 2 PM, I was just exhausted. I headed out to the lanair and dozed and woke and appreciated the beautiful sky and the birds and the smell of flowers. Michael and I had ARBY’s fish sandwiches for dinner (they’ll be gone soon…boo hoo!) and we binged watched THE GOOD DOCTOR in the evening.
I was up and out early Friday morning (3/31) for another chiro appointment, but not before eating a delicious breakfast my honey made for me:

then went straight to my massage after my chiro appointment. I was home after NOON and got a cake baked:

before heading to the studio.
The Quakt glass guy came:

and I decided to try to get a blog entry out. I got an error that I needed to delete some of my pictures, as my storage was full, but no instructions on how to do that, or where they were. After 1-1/2 hours and finally getting some pictures deleted (and losing the picture on the front of my blog), and not being able to get a blog entry out...I gave up and went back to sewing on the blue quilts....

I am determined to have the tops done and binding made by the end of the weekend. Michael and I got cleaned up and left before 6 PM for dinner with Diane & Mark:

Mark prepared a restaurant quality meal of asparagus soup, Chinese Char Siu, fried rice and sautéed bok choy….everything was EXCELLENT!!! We played CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY after that….a game I’ve heard about for decades, but never played....and eventually paused for a bit of dessert. The time just flew by and we finally left around 10 PM.
*** I’m writing a book about all of the things I should be doing in my life….it’s called an oughto-biography! ***
I would bet you had a rock chip up in the top near where the window connects to the car in the colored section that you had not seen and when it was sitting in the sun at the Chiro it cracked. It has happened to us before
mark's meal was certainly restaurant quality!!