Current COVID related deaths: 774,725
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 772,315
YIKES!!! It was only 34 degrees when I got up Friday morning (11/5)!!! I had a nice chat with Paula…she’s taking Tylenol for the pain….TYLENOL!!!! That woman is a trouper….she only had surgery on Wednesday!!! She’s not quite ready to sit down and sew yet (her replacement was her left knee, so that shouldn’t impede her sewing), but I’m sure it will only be a short time :~). In the meantime, she has 3 quilts to complete the hand binding on.
I got 4 yards of backing cut and loaded, got my batting cut and loaded, and got the first QoV basted over the course of the day:

And these are MUCH better pictures than the movie I posted yesterday (sitting nicely on top of the covering of muslin):

The rest of my time was spent getting the “X” MARKS THE SPOT quilt all put together:

This one doesn’t need borders, I just have to make a backing and binding for it and it will be ready to go.
Michael and I had pizza from the Lodge truck for dinner, then he left for OPENING NIGHT. I continued to work a bit in the evening, and also had a nice chat with Mary Lee. The cast went to HOBO’s (a local restaurant) after the play….so I went to bed!
*** Sorry about the ‘’funny-ness’’ of yesterday’s blog….I have no idea why the pictures got duplicated! AND, the humor at the bottom got left off…so you get TWO today….
*** People who say ‘’go big or go home’’ seriously underestimate my willingness to go home….like…it’s literally my only goal. ***
*** It was a sad and disappointing day when I discovered my Universal Remote Control did not….in fact….control the Universe. (not even remotely) ***
You’re a marvel. The X quilt is gorgeous.
Love the X!!!!!