Current US COVID related deaths: 844,272
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 842,161
I absolutely could NOT get going on Wednesday (12/29)…just very, very tired. Remember I got turned down for giving blood a month or so ago due to low iron….I will have to ask my doctor to check anything that can cause tiredness at my appointment at the end of January. First thing I finally did when I got myself started was sew in ends and stitch down the label on the “X” quilt……it is totally done and I love it:

I would love to make it again with a different color….we’ll see.
After that, I gathered my supplies for the next binding and headed upstairs. I got set up and started to sew…..this is my Bento Blocks – warm colors:

My honey came home while I was sewing....soaked to the skin!! He took a shower to warm up and then ''relaxed'' out on the lanair:

I finished the first side of my binding… my book for a bit and finally near dinnertime started the second side:

Michael was working downstairs and came up just as I finished stitching. We had baked potatoes with broccoli spears and shredded cheddar for dinner….it was YUMMY!!!
Michael wanted to watch one of the movies he had taped after that, so I putzed in the studio and got my ends sewn in and my label stitched down (picture tomorrow) until 9 PM, when I headed back up.
*** You don’t realize how old you are until you sit on the floor to wrap Christmas gifts…..and then try to get up. ***
Deb are you taking Vitamin B?? That is suppose to help the energy level. Like the "X" quilt.
X quilt is beautiful!! I'm not ruling it out as a maybe future project, but it definitely couldn't be scrappy...
I wondered if you were going to get me again! You sneaky gal!