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XENA loaded, squiggle laid out

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

Honestly, my brain is having a hard time conceiving that an American president would act this way....can you say lynching? UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE! (there are links within the paragraph below, should you want more detail. Just hover over the underlined sections to find the links.)

The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol held its first prime-time hearing Thursday, detailing the findings of the panel's investigation and playing new disturbing video of the riot. The panel showed some never-before-seen material, including bird's-eye view footage from security cameras that showed the enormous pro-Trump mob as it started swarming the Capitol grounds. The footage also showed how the crowd took its cues directly from Trump, with one rioter reading a Trump tweet over a megaphone for the other rioters to hear. In addition to other closed-door depositions of members of Trump’s team, the committee also revealed testimony from Trump White House officials who said the former President did not want the attack to stop, angrily resisted his own advisers who were urging him to call off the rioters, and thought his own vice president "deserved" to be hanged as the violent crowd chanted "Hang Mike Pence."


So, I headed out Friday morning (6/10) to meet with Shannon at AAA to plan the secret vacation….and here’s the scoop on that. Michael always plans our vacations….I LOVE that he does that, and he seems to enjoy it. Many years ago he took me to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, with many stops along the way…..but there was one stop on the way home that he told me was a surprise. Finally, when we were driving to the surprise, he gave me so many obvious hints that I figured it out…and started to cry….he took me back to Pittsburgh (where I grew up), where I hadn’t been in about 30 years! We saw both of my childhood homes, my old high school, the Pgh Science Museum (which both of us absolutely loved), and went to a Pgh Pirates game at the new stadium…it was all a blast.

Anyway, I recently heard about something that I thought he might like, and asked him if he was willing to go on a vacation without any idea of where he was going. I was 99% sure he would say ‘’yes’’….and he did! (Now apparently he is in the minority of husbands, because so far he has not talked to one other guy who would do this!!!) So, Shannon and I talked over what I want to do….and she’s going to pull something together and we are going to meet again on the 21st (because it needs to be before my knee surgery, as I might not be able to drive for a month or so). We're planning this vacation for the fall...hopefully after Michael is done being in play at Fort Mill during September.

I was home by 10:30 and got my blog out and decided I needed to load a couple of quilts up on XENA to keep working away at the backlog. The bad news is…I was at the end of a backing bolt, so could only load up one….but one is still better than none:

My honey came home from his LLB luncheon and agreed to layout my squiggle quilt:

I think by the time I am done with these batik ''blues'', I'm going to have 4 quilts to show!! I have a third one all cut and ready to work on, on Thursdays at quilting, and believe I have seen a picture of a 4th one I want to do.

After that he headed upstairs to watch some TV while I started to sew together the QoV quilt:

We celebrated Michael’s homecoming with champagne (again, kept chilled with those luscious frozen strawberries from the IVY PLACE.....I think we have 2 more bags of them!!!):

and puffy things:

(ok…yes….our puffy things ended up being pierogi’s….’cause that’s what we had in the freezer and neither one of us wanted to go out!! I gotta work on getting some REAL puffy things for the future :~): We spent the evening starting to watch NIGHT SKY on PRIME….so far, very interesting!

*** Post COVID, romance novels might be something like this:

‘’Hands glistening with sanitizer, he reach out and gently remoed her mask… As he pressed closer against her, she felt a certainly stiffness near his trouser pocket. ‘’Is that what I think it is?’’ she asked breathlessly. ‘’Yes,’’ he replied. ‘’I brought my digital thermometer in case I need to take your temperature.’’ ***



Jun 11, 2022

I thought i read u were getting knee surgery 6/24?


Jun 11, 2022

Vacation in the fall??? too long t wait!!

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