Michael was up early on Wednesday (10/19) to make his traditional omelet before going golfing at Edgewater. I made yoghurt overnight in the crockpot, so I got that put up in grab-and-go containers:

before heading to the studio to get my customer quilt loaded and basted:

After setting up the program and getting bobbins wound, I kicked off the quilting:

While it was stitching out, I ironed one of the fabrics I bought in Cleveland.....butterflies AND rainbow colors??? How could I resist :~).

I started cutting it for a potato chip quilt. I'm not 100% sure how that rainbow will play out in the quilt...guess we'll all just have to wait and see.
By the time I headed back upstairs to make dough for rolls for dinner…the quilting was done (it was a relatively small quilt):

I got dough made and put it to rise in the microwave (just a convenient, draft free, out of the way place for it to rise), and by then my honey was home with a score of 85….so he was pretty pleased.
I headed back to the studio and got my customer quilt cleaned up and off of the frame.
Since I knew it was going to be a chilly day, I found a quart of Italian Wedding Soup in the freezer, and that, along with rolls (looking at this picture, I certainly got a bit lazy with the shaping!!):

was our dinner.
*** I’m starting meetings at my house for people who have OCD. I don’t have it, I’m just hoping they’ll take one look and start cleaning! ***
Nice quilting design !
I seem to have it in the kitchen!