I was up at 6 AM on Wednesday morning (7/26) to make a breakfast sandwich for my honey to take to golf and then spent the rest of the morning at UPS getting some legal documents notarized and faxed and Fed Ex’ed to their respective places. After a quick trip to another grocery store, I had a bit of brunch when I got home and finally got to make up Michael’s grab-and-go containers of yoghurt (which had been fermenting overnight in the crockpot):

and then unfortunately spent over 2 hours on the phone with the bank. I HATE talking to the bank…4 separate people and inputting my information to the telephone pad 7 different times….I still don’t really have a resolution to my problem. SO VERY FRUSTRATING!!!
My honey was home by then and thought that he and his partner did fairly well in the tournament (I personally can’t believe he played all 18 holes….I expected him home after 9 holes as we are both still a bit tired!!!) We got caught up a bit with each other, and then I pulled together my blog entry.
I was finally ready to do something fun around 3 PM, so I got my embroidery machine started….I need to quilt the first WALK ABOUT quilt on soft fleece, so I didn’t want to put a label on the back….so I embroidered it right on the front:

before getting it loaded up on XENA:

While I was setting up the program on XENA, I also got 4 more labels made for the 4 quilts on my to-be-bound pile…I need to start knocking those out!

Michael had yoghurt for dinner (he had a big lunch after the tournament) and I had the other half of my brunch sandwich before we settled in to watch/doze through TV before heading to bed at 10 PM..both of us were beat!!
PSA (Public Service Announcement) – do you have a will? Do people know where it is? Do you have other information that people will need when you are gone? Having done probate for Earl (ex-husband before Michael) I know what a pain it is for those left behind….they are grieving, but still have to do a million and one things to finalize your time here on earth….so back in 2002 I started what I call my ‘’Death Notes’’ (sorry if that is too blunt for some people, but I believe in calling a spade a spade). It contains lots of information potentially needed by the people left behind after you are gone…things like your social security numbers, legal name, birthdate, safety deposit box location and number, and a ton of other information. The executor of our will has a copy, as do several other trusted friends (please do not send this information through email where it can be hacked!) Hopefully this will make it easier on the people left behind. I am happy to share blank copies of this document if you would like…please email me. I try to update this document at the end of each year. What is prompting this PSA? A relative of mine died about 4 weeks ago, with no will and nothing to indicate what they wanted to happen. This person was 79 years old….and everything to be done is being left to a niece, who lives far away from the deceased. Having gone through this myself (in a far easier situation as I lived near Earl and knew all of his friends and his accountant and his financial advisor), it was still a ton of work and took about a year to finalize. PLEASE consider what will happen when you are gone and talk to people NOW and get your ducks in a row!!! You can even set up your own funeral/memorial service and pay for it in advance. I don’t mean to be morbid, but please talk things over with your relatives/will executor NOW!
I want to thank everyone for their birthday wishes…and have to show you this beautiful card, embroidered just for me by Arizona Mary:

*** I’m fat because I’m full of experiences….and most of those experiences took place at Mexican restaurants. ***
I would like a copy, please. Thank you for this important reminder. I have been putting it off! a very belated Happy Birthday.
I'll take a copy !
I’m gonna live forever……disco music in background…
Oh and Happy belated Birthday!!
Yes send me your Death notes. Been trying to get a will together but it is so much gathering of info that it is frustrating. My daughter has been after me to get it done but . . . . maybe this will give me a kick start to get it finished.