The continuing adventures of a floozie...
I am a 70 something Yankee, now blissfully retired in South Carolina. My husband spends his time golfing and painting and drawing, while I love all crafts and lots of baking. I sell most of my crafts to raise money for various charities, and my food goes out to lots of my neighbors and friends. Why am I a floozie? Because I am so easily seduced by the next new recipe and/or the next new and shiny yarn or fabric that I see. It's always fun to try something new!
"X" off of frame
Quilting done on "X"
"X" marks the spot on Xena
Furry kids, waffles, Bento off of frame
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!, Totally finished quilt
4 patch layout....done!
Cast gifts
Cast Party
Totally finished QoV, desserts for cast party
Totally Finihsed Quilt, Embroidery machine comparison
SHQ Show & Tell 11/18/21
QoV label and new embroidery machine
Weaving group, soap
Machine Embroidery Show & Tell 11/15/21
Veteran's quilt given, a visit to Corinne's
New addition to the family...
Wednesday at home, SHQ Show & Tell 11/11/21
Lunch, more 4 patches
Short & Sweet
Jagged "X" correction