The continuing adventures of a floozie...
I am a 70 something Yankee, now blissfully retired in South Carolina. My husband spends his time golfing and painting and drawing, while I love all crafts and lots of baking. I sell most of my crafts to raise money for various charities, and my food goes out to lots of my neighbors and friends. Why am I a floozie? Because I am so easily seduced by the next new recipe and/or the next new and shiny yarn or fabric that I see. It's always fun to try something new!
Egg/cheese/toast, Freya
Saturday & Sunday, Cast Party for THE OUTSIDER
SHQ Show & Tell 11/16/2023
Breakfast at Vera's, dog quilt, VOTE - black or purple!
Linda's quilt done, pizza for dinner, neat Advent calendar
Linda's quilt, QoV quilt presented
Janice quilts, Paula & Jody, towel clean-up begins
Chicken Pot Pie!!!
SHQ Veteran's Luncheon
Ho-hum Wednesday
Ghost quilt
Last rose of summer, cast of THE OUTSIDER, gorgeous sunset
Fabric audition for first new bed quilt, dialysis quilt given out
Carmelitas, QoV in columns, AZ Mary christening gown
Matress arrives
SHQ Show & Tell 11/2/23, new bed frame arrives, one pot pasta
Bed moved, 3-D quilt fabric
This and that!
Rolls Royce