The continuing adventures of a floozie...
I am a 70 something Yankee, now blissfully retired in South Carolina. My husband spends his time golfing and painting and drawing, while I love all crafts and lots of baking. I sell most of my crafts to raise money for various charities, and my food goes out to lots of my neighbors and friends. Why am I a floozie? Because I am so easily seduced by the next new recipe and/or the next new and shiny yarn or fabric that I see. It's always fun to try something new!
Wednesday & SHQ Show & Tell
Sandy's quilt started, Janice's QoV, Arizona Mary on the board!
Trip to SEW MUCH FUN, SHQ Show & Tell, retreat with June & Janice, Freya turns 1
Sandy's quilt complete, Knitting student scarf, Michael's new drawings
High Tea, Sandy's second quilt started, bed quilt reaches width
Member/Member Banquet, Pittsburgh Cookie Table
BG finishes squares, baklava cookies, SHQ Show & Tell
BG's here!!!!! We start new quilts....
Monday through Friday!
To-be-bound pile grows, Janice's guild's challenge, SHQ Show & Tell
Bottom half of bed quilt together
SHQ Show & Tell and lunch!
Old quilt tops back on the scene, bread, entremet, iris
Sandy & Candy's quilts, Easter dinner
Katz Deli, SHQ Show & Tell, Pam/roots, Iris sweater
Monday & Tuesday
Saturday & Sunday
Top half of bed quilt laid out